Thursday, June 17, 2010

summer 2k10

And so here goes my first summer as a college graduate! I've spent the past couple weeks resting, organizing, cleaning, catching up with family, starting to work out, delving further into my apartment search, and setting plans for the rest of the summer. Here's what I have set so far!

6/18 - 6/21 : Trip to Ithaca to help Jin move and go hiking
6/28 : Linear Algebra class begins
7/2 - 7/5 : Trip to Boston for July 4th to stay with Sara and Colette
7/? - 7/? : Trip to D.C. to apartment hunt
8/5 : Linear Algebra class ends
8/? : Move to D.C.!
9/7 : Fellowship at the Institute for Women's Policy Research begins!

The summer has begun well, and I had a chance to see and spend a little time with each one of my beloved siblings (though my time with my little brother was quite short). Plenty of movie nights, cooking, reading, runs and bike rides...and plenty more to come, I'm sure! Jenn, Jin, and I went on a charming outing to Terhune Orchards to go on our annual berry-picking date, and this time, we tried cherry-picking, which we've never done before. It was tons of fun!
Then, today, Jenn, Jenn's lovely boyfriend Andrew, and I went on a trip to the beach for the day, which was also tons of fun! The water was quite cold (~60 F) so we didn't spend too much time in it, but other than that, we enjoyed the sun, a little tanning, and I enjoyed a good book. I've been reading A LOT this summer (finally!). So far, I've read Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut and The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, both of which I enjoyed thoroughly, and now, I'm reading In Cold Blood by Truman Capote.
This weekend, I'm headed to Ithaca, NY with Jin and Jenn to help Jin move out of her apartment and to do some light hiking in the gorges/mountains! Should be fun!

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