Monday, August 31, 2009

Brand-spankin' new

Alright, so I've decided that I'm going to turn this blog into something completely random. I guess that's what blogs are for anyway. I guess it's just that since blogging while in France, I've developed this idea that blogs are supposed to be geared towards something specific, with well-written entries and a point to each post. But I'm going to use this blog here for everything and anything. 
Besides a place to let people know what I'm up to or to make miscellaneous observations, I'm also going to use it as a workout blog. Kind of. Maybe. Let's see how I do with this. 

One thing is that I recently returned from a 10-day vacation on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia with Angus and his family. It was AMAZING. 10 days without internet, without cell phone service. We went on 2 and 3-mile runs in the morning along the beach and then had a nice lunch and talked with his parents and his brother, sometimes did some cooking (brownies and rice krispie treats) and then embarked on afternoon adventures on some days, and then read by candle light or inside one of the cozy rooms in their family's home in the evenings. 
Some of the outings included stream-hopping up to a big waterfall (that's where the picture on the left is from), going on walks along the beach, sea-kayaking, hiking through a forest to an incredible view of the ocean, and going on a 7-mile train run in the Barrens, an inland area that is above the tree level in Cape Breton, giving you a spectacular view of all of the hills and forests below. 
After spending every day and night with him for 2 weeks straight and almost every evening with him this summer, it was hard saying bye to him on Friday afternoon as he set off on a road trip with his friends from school, but it was a good summer and I'll hopefully get a chance to see him before Thanksgiving when we're back at home. *sigh* Such is life. 
Here are some pictures of the scenery we were surrounded by during our time up in Cape Breton. On the left is the view from the hill next to the Kauzmann home (Angus' mother's family's property) and on the right is a view of the water and rocks at Neil's Harbor where we had dinner one night. 

But in other exciting news: I AM A SENIOR AT WELLESLEY COLLEGE. Ok, not so much exciting as it is terrifying, but I am so impatient to get back and be reunited with all the friends who were abroad while I was at school and at school while I was abroad and really enjoy my last year at school. Though the job-application/internship-finding/next year-planning will be exhilarating, humbling, and scary, I'm looking forward to seeing what opportunities I can find in my years after college. 

Alright, well I need to shower and then go help my mom make dinner, we are making Sole (a type of fish) à la recipes of Julia Child :D
By the way, anyone who hasn't seen "Julie and Julia" needs to see it, and everyone should also read My Life in France by Julia Child. I just started it a couple of days ago, and it is FABULOUS and makes me want to go back to France more than ever. She and her husband Paul Child lived only a few blocks from where I lived when I was in Paris for my first month in France last fall!

Workout post for the day:
3-mile run

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