Thursday, September 24, 2009

And so it goes

My senior year at Wellesley College has begun! It's been absolutely amazing seeing my friends again, getting back into the swing of things with the ultimate team, and getting back to my studies.
It was kicked off by a procession in traditional black robes and splashes of purple, for our class color...I unfortunately had to miss the speeches because I wanted to be there for our very first practice of the season. I am captaining the Whiptails with two great friends and teammates of mine, Geetha and Gantor
, and am having a blast! I love ultimate frisbee and am so excited to help others learn to love it as much as I do. I have to say that one of the reasons why I enjoy it, as well, is that I have the opportunity to change how a few things are done and implement little ideas I have had in my head these past few years, such as instilling a sense of commitment and positive intensity from the get-go rather than waiting and shocking new players later with the expectations that we have of team members. Even little things, like having players bring their water to the sideline instead of going back to their bags, even those tiny little things are exciting to put to use :)

This semester, I am taking Development Economics, Myth and Memory in Modern France (in French), Spanish 101, and Urban Politics, which all combine to make a very interesting and diverse collection of subjects to study throughout the week. It's going very well, and I have to say that I am incredibly excited to finally be starting a new language!
Buenos días, me llamo Min. Yo soy de New Jersey. Acabo de leer un libro por mi clase de francés.

In exactly two weeks, I'll be landing in California for a weekend to visit Angus at Stanford and meet with an amazing woman who owns her own political consulting firm based in San Francisco to whom I have been referred by the director of CAWP. I'm really excited just to hear what her experience has been like...I must admit, I'm a little nervous, too. Just another step in gathering information and finding out what kind of opportunities lie out there for me once I leave Wellesley's beautiful campus.

Well, back to my homework!

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