Sunday, January 24, 2010

one more time

I'm headed back to campus for one last move-in before I graduate! How crazy is that? I've had this empty feeling in my stomach, nerves, I guess, and I don't know what it's from. All I know is that things will be different, things can only go up from here. It hasn't REALLY hit me that after this semester, I'm not going back, at least not as a student. Perhaps that will be more of a reality when I've found out what I'm going to do for the time after I graduate.
I've made all sorts of New Year's Resolutions that are, so far, holding up pretty well. Though, as usual, I've made a bunch of resolutions that are not measurable and so I kind of just have to try. That's all we can do, though, in the end: all we can do is try our best. I have all these ideas for an amazing semester. I'm taking three great classes: Intermediate Spanish, Economics of Education Policy, and Intermediate Macroeconomics. I have an awesome, intense season with the Whiptails coming up, and I'm hoping either to land the job I applied for with the Wellesley Centers for Women or (if I don't get that) I'd like to volunteer with Wellesley Words on Wheels or another volunteer education program.

I've started a list of things that I want to do for fun this semester. Hopefully I'll make the time to do it, though I know I tend to get lazy into the semester:
- snowshoe tour of the Sculpture Garden at the DeCordova Museum
- visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
- do a silly photo shoot with my friends in the Arboretum
- throw a Valentine's Day event (I used to make Valentine's Day cards and cookies for all my friends in high school...I turned it into a general LOVE day, friends, family, etc. not just for those who happen to have a significant other)
- go out to a salsa club
- perform one more concert
- maybe try performing at an open mic night sometime??
- have a picnic on the far side of Lake Waban

Well, that's the working list. We'll see! I need to get back to packing...yikes, leaving in 45 minutes!

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