Saturday, July 17, 2010


I love schedules.
I've also decided that I love running. It makes me feel productive, helps me sleep better at night, and just makes me feel better about myself overall. While I was in D.C. house-hunting, I found myself feeling very restless at night, perhaps because I was anxious or stressed out about finding a place to live (the hunt continues...will post when I know where I'll be living), and I decided that when I got back home I would start exercising more. One to two games a week of summer league just wasn't enough.
So, this week I've done the following:

Monday: 3 miles
Tuesday: nothing, thought I had a game that got cancelled last minute for T-storms that never occurred.
Wednesday: 2 miles + pilates
Thursday: summer league game, layout D!
Friday: 2 miles
Saturday: 2 miles + pilates
Sunday: 2 miles

And it feels great! I'm pretty sure my ankle's getting stronger and stronger, and early this evening when I was running, I found myself with an unexplainable subtle smile upon my lips. Guess it just makes me happy :)

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