Monday, November 1, 2010


Happy November!
The new month has certainly brought autumn along with it (finally), and I find myself bringing out the heavy knit sweaters, colorful scarves and thick tights that I would have been wearing already if I still lived up in Wellesley, MA!
On Halloween weekend, some of my closest friends came to visit the house in time for the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert rally, and to celebrate Halloween! Here we are on the steps of my house:
After a breakfast of coffee, OJ, eggs and toast with jam and butter prepared by yours truly, we joined something like 200,000 other people on the National Mall in downtown DC to attend the rally. IT WAS SO CROWDED. IT WAS INSANE. But it was exhilarating! People brought hilarious, cynical signs, and there were thousands and thousands of people who held political beliefs similar to my own. To be honest, it was quite empowering and reassuring.
After the rally, we got a delicious lunch at a Chinese restaurant and then headed home to rest, watch a movie, and then prepare to head out on the town to celebrate Halloween. I haven't really celebrated Halloween in years so this was a change of pace, but it was hilarious. We ordered plastic Viking hats and wore them as a group costume, which resulted in the following:
It was SO nice to see everyone in one place (though Colette was missing...I sincerely wish she could have made it), and to hang out all together like we were back at Wellesley.

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