Friday, May 7, 2010

Last Day of Classes!

Yesterday was my last day of classes at Wellesley strange.
It didn't really feel like anything, particularly because I'll be here for another three weeks or so, but it's a big deal. I went to my last Spanish class and then to my last Economics class and then spent the majority of the afternoon wandering around campus aimlessly with my camera in my graduation robe and purple (my class color; it's tradition to be decked out in class gear for the last day of classes in the Spring). Then, I lay around in my bed for a while because I had no idea what to do with myself.
The rest of the afternoon and evening was filled with all sorts of celebrations for the end of classes and being a senior such as a huge outdoor picnic, step-singing with free champagne for seniors, and an outdoor concert featuring Passion Pit!
I keep getting these sadness-tinged feelings of nostalgia and nervousness about the future. This afternoon, I went to a luncheon at the French House in honor of all the French majors that are graduating. My advisor said to me, "La vie vous attend." Life awaits you. I know, I know. It's just hard to move on when you feel like so much has changed in your life that you've barely had a chance to catch your breath. I'm doing just fine, but I still find myself lying in bed late at night wanting to understand how everything happened so quickly and wiping away the occasional stray tear. Time marches on and I've got a life to live, it's true. I guess what I struggle with is the fact that though events will pass, time will move forward, the bruises, the scars, and the memories will stay.
I'm stronger than ever. I have my whole life ahead of me, and I know I have a lot in my life to be thankful for and happy about. These are just thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. You make me nostalgic! Enjoy your last few weeks at Wellesley, they are some of the best!
