Sunday, May 2, 2010

Updates. again.

I haven't posted in a week, so I feel like I should write. Life's been quite busy; I feel like I've been running from meeting to meeting and cramming in work and study time in between. I guess I feel that way because that's how life has been for the past week or so! Today's itinerary consisted of:
9:15am-9:45am = Breakfast
9:45am-11:30am = Alum game
11:30am-2:00pm = Study for job interview
2:00pm-4:30pm = Rehearsal
4:30pm-6:00pm = Group meeting for economics presentation
6:00pm-6:45pm = Dinner
6:45pm-7:45pm = Final meeting for ANKHR Coffeehouse
So, looking at this, you must be wondering. Job interview? For what? Why are you studying? Rehearsal for what? What is the ANKHR Coffeehouse?
Well. Good news. Remember how I had that job interview for the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston a few weeks back? Well, I got another set of emails for another interview! Now, I'm not sure as to whether this is your "second round" interview or just another preliminary interview. But I'm studying for it because it's about my experience with data analysis and STATA. Yikes. It's been 2 years since I did my Econometrics project (which was AWESOME and an incredible experience), so I've been studying to brush up on my terminology and basic statistics and econometrics-related concepts.
Now, the second two are related: I'm performing at the ANKHR Coffeehouse with my band! I have one friend who is ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE at the guitar and one friend who is AWESOME at the drums. For real. The two of them can think of ways to make almost anything I write sound about 1923838917918 times better, and I'm so excited to perform with them! I've also been spearheading an event for ANKHR called "Songs for the Silenced", an end-of-semester event to raise money for the Hana Center, a legal welcome and assistance center in South Korea for North Korean refugees, and also to celebrate a year of really successful events. I've organized for 4 other off-campus performers and groups to come join us, and my group will be performing, as well! I'm incredibly excited...though a little nervous. 3 out of the 4 songs that I am going to perform are new ones that I just wrote within the past half year, 1 that I wrote over the winter break and 2 that I wrote in the past couple months.
So many things to be excited, but so much to be nervous about, too. Wish me luck at this job interview. I want it SO badly. But we'll see if I am able to convey that properly in my interview. *deep breath*

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