Sunday, August 1, 2010

interesting week

I just had one of the busiest, most exhausting, but most fun weeks in a LONG time, and then slept for 13 hours straight to make up for the lack of sleep and constant motion afterwards. Last weekend, after having decided that I was NOT going to Wildwood this year for a variety of reasons, I ended up going! I realized that with various changes in plans, I had basically resigned myself to a weekend by myself at home because I thought that it was going to be a big family weekend. It ended up being the craziest, most spontaneous Wildwood weekends that I've had yet (I've been for 4 years in a row), and one of the most fun. I went with some old friends from Pennsylvania that I've known since high school from high school ultimate and summer league...and we ended up taking 1st place in our bracket!
Here is a full team picture with some other friends of teammates who didn't actually play.
The following week consisted of daily games at summer league...I was sore for a week straight and am still healing from it all, class, a linear algebra exam for my summer class, the end-of-season MCUDL summer league BBQ/Pre-quarterfinals games, and a day trip to NYC to meet up with an old friend.
I don't recall if I wrote about him in my blog La Vie Française, but I met my friend Samuel (a French native from Aix-en-Provence who is a university student in Lyon), at a Halloween party that some of the Wellesley-in-Aix girls threw. We ended up talking a lot about writing, life, literature, etc., and I remember that evening being one of the moments during which I realized that I could actually speak French...well :)
We have stayed in relatively distant contact, chatting occasionally once in a while about nothing, really, until one day he informed me that he was going to be in the United States, in New York City for a vacation with his younger sister, and that he would love it if we could see one another. Now, when I had said "Au Revoir! Si tu es jamais aux Etats-Unis près de NJ, dis-le-moi,"* I have to admit that I didn't think I'd ever see him again. But, this past Friday, I took the train into the city and met up with Samuel and his little sister after a year and a half since the last time I saw him! Life, the world...crazy.
It's August 1st. I cannot believe how quickly time has flown! I'll be moved into my new home in DC with Alex and Lisa within the month...will keep you posted!

*"Goodbye! If you are ever in the United States near NJ, let me know!"

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