Sunday, October 10, 2010

friends :)

I competed with Renegade at Regionals last weekend and we lost in the game to go to Nationals by 5 points. A painful loss, but what a great season, what a great team. I've come out of this season having learned so much more about ultimate, in better shape than I've been in a long time, and with a whole bunch of new friends. What could be better than that?
Humans really are incredible. I've learned over the years that it's people, friends, family that make me feel that I am at home. I have to say that I miss my family a little as it's been some time since I've seen them, but getting to read their emails, hear their voices, and having the company of some wonderful, beautiful friends, old and new, are enough to make me happy and make me feel like I am exactly where I'm supposed to be.

*This is totally unrelated, but I realized I forgot to share a picture of my new cleats! I broke through my old ones at Sectionals (the inner seams of the body of each shoe broke open), and had to duct tape them together for the second day...about time for new ones! I stuck to the trend of brightly-colored cleats and got white and orange Nike Mercurials. Very comfy! It only took about one practice to break them in and I had zero blisters!

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