Friday, April 8, 2011

look at that f*ckin' WHIPSTER

What is a "Whipster"?

Whiptail + Hipster = Whipster.
I spent a wonderful 3 days (April 1-3) in some random town in Virginia with old teammates and Whiptail alumnae for Fool's Fest, an annual reunion tournament. IT. WAS. AWESOME. Really embarrassing but not surprising? I cried a little in the parking lot after I said "bye" to JessKwan, LB, and Pnut. It's interesting - as someone who tends to get very involved in her current surroundings, I get rather used to the limited presence of some people in my life, whether it is because we have drifted apart or we are just simply not in the same place, and I don't feel like I miss them. But the second that I get the chance to be close to them and remember why I loved them so much in the first place, it makes me miss them terribly.
It was certainly a "fool"ish weekend, with all of us in our jeggings, plaid, ridiculous sunglasses, adhesive mustaches, fake sleeve tattoos, and hats. Even the way our tournament played out was silly: we were playing in the Division 2 finals and didn't know until 30 minutes into the game. The only reason we were there was because another team had forfeited and left for the weekend and had neglected to tell us. We then won the spirit award (definitely more exciting than winning the tournament or something), which consisted of a plaque and red plaid hats for the whole team, which happened to match our flannel/plaid gear quite perfectly!
I unfortunately sprained my right thumb/hand during the last game on Saturday while laying out on defense (yay for getting the D, boo for hurting myself), which has left me wearing a thumb splint for the past two weeks, but the weekend was a blast! I didn't know many of these people very well before this weekend, and to be quite honest, I still don't. But there's some sort of inexplicable guarantee that any reunion of Whiptails will result in a good time :)

1 comment:

  1. I only just saw this in my belated attempt to catch up on my blog reading but I'm so honored to have a featured photo!


    P.S. Also loving your blog profile pic!
