Tuesday, February 16, 2010

belated: cham jam 2010!

I never got to post pictures from the Yale Alleycats Champagne Jamboree because I left my camera with Jenn. But she was awesome and sent it up to me at school and I just got the package today! So here it is!
I got to spend a lovely weekend in New Haven with John and Jenn to see John perform with his incredibly talented a cappella group for the annual Champagne Jamboree performance. I went last year with Mom and Dad, and it was AMAZING. They have gorgeous voices, the arrangements are impeccable, and the dancing and overall stage presence are magnetic. Always a good time to see the Yale Alleycats! Jenn got to Yale on a Friday and I got there the next afternoon after my first solo Greyhound bus trip from Boston to New Haven. It was actually very easy and comfortable, and I even got some homework done. Also, it was SO much cheaper than the train...I only wish that I had discovered this and felt comfortable traveling on the bus my first year. I could've saved so much money! Oh, well.
Then, we spent the day relaxing in John's room and got coffee at Blue State Coffee, around the corner from John's dorm room, and John got his
hair styled for free at a salon because the hairdresser adores him. (Really, she does) I have always admired how personable and popular my siblings are, and well, this was just another example of it. After dinner with John's best friend Kaylee, we went to the chapel to see the performance! To the right is a picture of Jenn holding the paper marker used to reserve seats for us in the front of the chapel. So nice of John!
The concert was AMAZING!! They all sounded beautiful and John did a superb job with his arrangement of Stevie Wonders' "Superstition" which had the alums and audience cheering and clapping loudly! He always does a good job entertaining :) Then, as a silly choreographed number (which John choreographed), they performed a version of "Jai Ho" from the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack, and it was so much fun to watch. John's friend Julian did a really good job with the vocals! After the concert, we had an opportunity to take some pictures, like proud parents and siblings.
And, of course, we had to get a picture of the three of us who were there (we missed the rest of the family!), so John's friend did it for us.
After the concert, we went to an incredibly crowded after-party...and I met a really nice alum. But that's that for now. All in all, a great weekend! I'm so proud of my siblings!

1 comment:

  1. Min, thank you, thankyou and Danke Shone!!!
    SO nice to read the detailes of the Jam, and see the nice photos. Jenn is way to kind and nice to send your camera to Boston. The "Yi" writing of John's reservation system is our family's tradition with oh-so-familiar hand writing of Johnny! I am blessed with my wonderful and awesome fam thanks to all of you. Love you much.
