Thursday, February 25, 2010

Nor'easters. That's what they call these up here.

It's been rainy for 2 or 3 days straight and it's supposed to keep raining tomorrow and then turn into a snowstorm. Not only is there heavy rain and partial flooding all over campus (yuck!) but there is a blustery wind sweeping across campus that makes umbrellas and impermeable outerwear absolutely useless. Hopefully it will pass soon...and hopefully it will be sunny when Jenn comes next Friday to spend a few days with me up here at Wellesley! I think we'll go out to dinner and spend some time in Boston/Cambridge and maybe watch a movie on campus, lots of possibilities!
I ran two 5 x 200 sprint sets this week with 2 minutes between each 200. Ouch. But the times were pretty good, I'm happy with myself! On Tuesday when I ran them I got 31, 31, 32, 33, 34 I think and then yesterday when I ran it again, I got 32, 33, 33, 34, 35. So, not bad! I asked a girl on the cross country who's also a sprinter for the Spring track team what her 100m time was and she said between 15sec and 16sec...which means I'm not that far behind! DAMN I knew I shoulda done high school track hehehe

As for career updates, I have a meeting set up with a woman who majored in Economics and Russian and went on to help stabilize the Russian economy and is now working in marketing for a biomedical pharmaceutical firm in Wellesley! We're going to Lemon Thai :)
Then, I also have a phone call scheduled with Jean, one of the people I reported to at CAWP this past summer. She worked at the Institute for Women's Policy Research where I am applying for a 9-month fellowship in Women and Public Policy. I originally just wanted to meet with Jean to talk to her about her career path and how she got involved in non-profits but she's offered to write me a supplementary letter of recommendation for my application! Very very nice of her!

I'm looking forward to a nice easy weekend, maybe catch a movie this weekend (and by catch a movie I mean walk to another building on campus or stay in my room/Sara's room), get a bunch of work done, and sit around drinking tea and coffee and sleeping. LOVELY. For now, I'm off to practice!

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