Sunday, March 13, 2011


Goodbye, Winter.
Hello, Spring!
I haven't had any life-changing events occur during these past few weeks, but have enjoyed a number of activities including my President's Day trip to New York City to reunite with some
Wellesley friends, my winter league games, my weekly winter league games, a free National Symphony Orchestra concert with Alex at the Kennedy Center, some lovely dinners, a "Friendsgiving" event which was essentially a massive Thanksgiving-themed potluck, viewing of an independent film about campaign financing pertaining to the agriculture and energy industries, and I also got to celebrate Sara's numerous graduate school acceptances!
Christina, Sara, Colette, Nick (Colette's wonderful boyfriend), and I met up for brunch at Eatonville, a delicious restaurant in the U Street area of DC that is inspired by Zora Neale
Hurston and named for her hometown in Florida, I had a yummy plate of eggs benedict and potatoes with a cup of hot coffee. De-lish!
We then headed down to the Natural History Museum for the afternoon two look at two exhibits: one about the island of Cyprus and another about forensics in Jamestown, VA...a little creepy, particularly the skeleton of a 22-week old fetus and another one of a woman who had died with the skeleton of an unborn child in her uterus. Yikes. After we parted ways,Christina and I strolled around enjoying the weather and took a little sitting-break in the Hirschorn Sculpture Garden. On our way to the Chinatown metro stop, we passed the lovely magnolia trees pictured above, and noticed that the blossoms were beginning to emerge. Temperature in the 60s? Check. Blue skies? Check. Sunshine? Check. Budding flowers? Check. I'd say Spring has arrived!
Now, I did write a New Year's Resolution for the year 2011. However, they were so abstract and general that I realized lately that I don't actually know what I'm supposed to do with them. Seeing as Spring is a time that represents birth, rejuvenation, and a change, and considering the fact that I kick off my 23rd year of life this Tuesday, March 15, I have deemed this month a perfectly appropriate time for me to make new resolutions that I can actually aim to accomplish. While some of them are too personal to share, I will share with you that I am going to try to continue to live in a more eco-friendly manner by adjusting some of my choices as a consumer, try to continue to learn (specifically, practice my language skills and read up on certain topics), and to continue to improve myself and the way I interact with the world around me.
I am excited to start fresh. I am excited to see how much more I can get out of the remaining 4 months of my fellowship (it got extended 2 months). I am excited to learn, excited to change, excited to grow. Other things I'm excited about?
1. My trip home to NJ to see my parents, Jin, and Jenn!
2. Fool's Fest with the Whiptails/W-hipsters!
3. The National Cherry Blossom Festival!
4. The start of the Renegade club season!

Bring in the new season! I'm ready for it :)

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY MIN! I am very much proud of myself raising you and am honored to be your mother!
