Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tough workout, but good

Today was a pretty weird day. I got emotional and then locked myself out of my room and had to call campus po to let me in. It's also been gross out for the past week or so, making productivity low and moods rather bleh overall.
But practice was good. George has been writing really good track workouts for the team that everyone can do and in which everyone can tell they're improving. They're tough for the body, but good for the body, spirit, and confidence. Today, the workout went like this:
4 x 400 with 2 minutes rest between each 400
I ran them at 1:28, 1:27, 1:27, 1:26, respectively.
4 x 200 with 1 minute rest between each 200
I ran them all of them at sub-40sec, I think maybe even a few of them sub-35sec.
4 x 100 with 30 seconds rest between each 100
I ran them at 18sec, 17sec, 18sec, and I don't know what the last one was because I got confused by a painted line and stopped early...lame, I know.
Practice always puts me in a better mood. There's nothing like a tough ultimate practice to remind myself that I don't have to worry about silly things that distract me from my life and that I have all the friends and loving family and amazing things to do that I could possibly ask for and therefore have nothing about which to be sad!

Good night :)

1 comment:

  1. I cannot agree more with you Min. Only the one who can discipline his/her body can do the same to the mind. You are the best!. Don't let small meaningless things bother you in your life. It is too precious to be wasted.
