Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the waiting game

The job search is, well, going. No positive results yet. I'm assuming that the places I applied to way back in late January/early February that haven't responded have decided that I'm not quite their type. Bleh.
Oh well, right before Spring Break, I submitted applications to the Open Society Institute (a policy think tank that does fiscal policy research), the Institute for Children and Poverty, and I just submitted an application for a summer internship at ETS. Yes, ETS. I'm interested in seeing how these standardized testing methods are developed and what the inner workings of such an organization are like. It'll be informative no matter what, seeing as I'm interested in making a career of educational policy and all, heh. I'll hear back from ETS before April 30th. Oh, the waiting game, how ridiculously not fun you are.
I'm still waiting to hear back from the Institute for Women's Policy Research and the Teaching Assistantship Program in France...I'm assuming they'll be getting back to me soon-ish? Not sure, but I'm eager to hear what they have to say.
It would be really nice to get this ETS internship because it would let me spend another summer at home (hopefully I'll be somewhere else next year), it would be incredibly productive, in many ways, and it'll be a nice transition into the working adult's life, I guess.

I guess all I can do for now is keep working hard and being proactive with this job search. If I keep sending out all of these applications, something's GOT to turn out in my favor, right?

On another random note, some songs that I've really been enjoying lately, some new, some old:
"All Day and All of the Night" - the Kinks
"Hey Soul Sister" - Train
"Teeth" - Lady Gaga

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