Saturday, April 3, 2010


So, rather late in the afternoon yesterday, I was informed by the health center that I do NOT have a fractured ankle, THANK GOODNESS! It's a severe sprain (type 1 or type 2, which means a ligament was torn or something), and this weekend is supposed to be spent icing and elevating like nobody's business. Their estimate for heal time is 4 to 6 weeks and I could just feel my heart sinking in my chest. I'm not even allowed to try and stand on it until next Friday when I have a follow-up appointment at the health center, and physical therapy and strengthening exercises are off limits until they say I can start to move it. This means Sectionals are out. I know that the better I take care of it now, the more I rest it, the faster it'll heal, and I'm trying to feel optimistic about it, but I've worked SO HARD this year to get to where I am as a player right now, and I've worked SO HARD to help make the team the way it is right now, and the fact that I can't compete at Sectionals is killing me. Don't worry, I'm not crying right now, more just melancholy, though the sunshine is helping lift my spirits a little bit.
It is, in fact, gorgeous outside, sun is shining, finally, and it's supposed to be in the mid-to-high 70s for the next week or so! We deserve after all this rain we've had.

Self-prescribed treatment: get over it. All of it. Obviously the ankle will take some time, but I need to re-focus on my own life and focus on having a great rest of the senior year, being aggressive in my job search, and being happy with my friends and family, and the amazing team that I've had such an amazing time with these past four years!

Here goes nothing!

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