Saturday, April 17, 2010

so proud to be a wellesley woman

I just got back from watching a student-written, directed, and performed musical called "Jack in the Shutterbox." While some of the performers were somewhat inexperienced...I was floored. The student, a girl in my graduating class, who wrote all the music and first had the idea to write this was inspired to do so when she lost one of her childhood friends and experienced loss with the Virginia Tech shooting that occurred a few years ago. The music was original, the staging of the show was fabulous, and the story was WONDERFUL. It all took place in the dreams/subconscious of the main character, Jack, a 20-something year old man who finds his dream-world invaded by elements of reality that he is not ready to or willing to face, particularly the death of his childhood friend, Sarah. It was SO well done, and I'm incredibly impressed. As you can probably imagine, I cried. Big surprise. A lot of people did, actually. The pain and reluctance that are apparent in the script and songs are clearly translations of the composer's own experiences and sentiments. It is amazing what life, passion, and persistence can produce and what brilliant people can do with the experiences that enlighten or befall them.

This is not the first time that I've been totally blown away by the brilliance of my classmates and fellow Wellesley women. I'm not saying that I'm a fan of fact there are plenty of people on this campus that I'd rather not see or talk to again. But isn't that the case with the world in general? But here, here at Wellesley, every other conversation, every person I meet has a story, a reason for being here, something he or she wants to accomplish, some small secret or hidden pleasure that makes them unique and helps them to bring a new perspective to the world. Wellesley most certainly hasn't been the easiest college experience, and at times, I'll even admit that it hasn't been fun. But I wouldn't give up any of it. I've learned, changed, grown, experienced so much in my four years here. The disorientation, the laughter, the pain, the happiness, the frustration, the sadness, the stress, the smiles, the warm hugs, the cold glares...I wouldn't give up any of it. Even the sprained ankle. Though it sucks A LOT I think I'm learning things from the ridiculously terrible experience.
Just in this year, I've seen several amazing student theatre productions, witnessed (and been a part of) a campus-wide fight against hetero-normative/sexist violations of the right to free speech and privacy, had friends and classmates do amazing things like volunteer in medical clinics set up children's education programs in developing countries, and forced me to question my own beliefs and principles to remind me that I can't just HAVE an opinion but have a reason for it.

I. love. Wellesley.


  1. one of my favourite entries :)

  2. You have a beauiful soul Min. Great entry, like Jin said, hope someday you can make these into a book! Or at least Wellsley college put this on their book or the website!
