Sunday, April 11, 2010

tough weekend

What a tough weekend. Emotionally and physically.
We ran our hearts out this weekend, by the end we were literally down to the last seven who still had the energy left to sprint out a good cut, play real defense, and run down a long huck. We were also down a bunch of people: two severely sprained ankles, one concussion, and one girl got really sick yesterday and had to stay behind. That took a big hit on our d-line cutters. In the end, we had some disappointing losses, some great ultimate, and in the end a tough loss against MIT to lose in the game for the last spot to Regionals. I was really proud of our team because they played some incredible defense, and a whole bunch of the team stepped up and played the best I've ever seen them play this weekend. A good weekend to do so!
But, as we finished high-fiving MIT at the end of our game, I couldn't help but burst into tears. After everything that I put into the team as a captain and teammate, all the planning, all the meetings, all the incredibly difficult leadership crap I had to put up with (including dealing with angry outbursts, people yelling at me and calling me a bad captain for having to be harsh, and dealing with mental/emotional conditions on the team), and all the personal work I put into getting into the best shape I could possibly be in for my last run in the College Series...I ended up in a boot on the sideline. I definitely enjoyed being there for my team, and I feel like I did a good job calling lines and plays, staying active on the sideline, talking to the defense and offense and helping my teammates out the best I could. In the end, though, not being able to play hurt like a bitch. And seeing my team run so so hard through that last point and having to see the bid to Regionals slip away in the end was really tough. They played so well.

What a year. I can't help it but be selfish and wish I could've played, but I'm sincerely so proud of the Whiptails and all the work they did and the fun they've had this year. Here's to an awesome four years with the Wellesley Whiptails!

Wellesley Whiptails, Class of 2010!


  1. hey min, i can't imagine how torn you felt but i'm very proud of you for manning up for your team and being there. congrats on a good end of the year your your team, and just keep in mind, a great team is a reflection also on great leadership.

    love you

  2. I'm so proud of you Min. I look up to you in so many ways, and I'm glad that you had the wonderful opportunity to be captain of a team you have devoted so much time and energy to. :)

    -Lil' Bro

  3. Great job Min. I am so happy for you and so proud of what you did.
